
Scenario: Abdominal pain

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Scenario Overview:
You are working on a night shift when you are called to this 36y female with abdominal pain, the patient has called 111 who have assessed the patient as needing an ambulance assessment. HPC patient has had 3/7 Hx of "gripey" pain . non radiating. no fever. patient has stated she feels fed up with pain and wants to feel better. O/A patient is found laying on the sofa watching TV complaining of lower abdominal pain
Ambulance Crew (non HCP)
How the scenario should progress:
Staff should carry out Primary survey followed by taking the history for the patient offer appropriate analgesia then should proceed to abdominal assessment come up with a clinical management plan and appropriate care pathway
Patient 1:
Name:     Age: 36    Sex: Male
Medication: None
Allergies: NKDA
Past medical/family/social history: PMHx patient has had two recent terminations within the last 12 months learning disabilities - reduced cognition is deemed to have capacity
Findings on examination: - pain is found across the lower abdomen - abdomen is soft but tender - No guarding is found - bowels open normally - no urinary concerns - patient has nausea and has vomited x1 with last 24h no blood present - No headache - no chest pain or discomfort all other system reviews NAD - denies any pregnancy or sexual activity
Possible treatment from first aiders: crew would expect patient to be fully assess and analgesia to be considered, patient should be referred to either OOH GP and or taken to MIU unit for further assessment
Time after start: 1st 2nd
Response: Alert Alert
Airway: clear clear
Breathing? Yes yes
Respirations: 16 18
Pulse: 105 108
Oxygen Sats: 98 98
Pain Score: 6/10 6/10
Blood Pressure: 105/65 106/68
Temperature: 37.5 37.5
Blood Glucose: 7.8
GCS: 15 15

Tips for the patient actors:
pain is located in RLQ and LLQ, patient winces when palpating these areas

Scenario submitted by: Anonymous